Thursday 18 June 2015

Thursday Musing

"The secret lies in our own breath.  Through breathing exercises, certain breathing techniques and some practice of meditation, we can rekindle positive vibrations within and around us."
~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of the Art of Living Foundation

Image source:  subscription emails from the Art of Living Foundation.
Subscribe to Guru-ji's wisdom here:

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Wednesday Wisdom

"The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man."
~ Euripides



Source:  Yoga for Yogi's Instagram account
Image source:

Friday 12 June 2015

Inspiration Friday

"Good for the body is the work of the body, good for the soul the work of the soul, and good for either the work of the other."
~ Henry David Thoreau



Image source:

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Yoga with Adriene - Abs and Arms

This morning I did a yoga class with Adriene.  The focus of the session was abs and arms and it was suitably challenging.

I felt a satisfying burn in my abs within the first 10 minutes - and, to me, that's a successful class.

I felt a sense of accomplishment on completing this class.  I felt relaxed yet invigorated, ready to take on my day.  The day was quite busy and so I only managed to pen this post - 12 hours later.



Friday 15 May 2015

Friday Musing

"To acquire balance means to achieve that happy medium between the minimum and the maximum that represents your optimum"
~ Nido Qubein



Image source:

Yoga with Adriene - Strengthen and Lengthen

It has been rather quiet on the blog for a while.  I have been to gym this week but haven't tracked the workouts.  I have been feeling a bit disenchanted with the gym lately and feel that my overall motivation has been waning.

I still make time for yoga though, and today's session was with Adriene.  The class was focused on strengthening and lengthening.  It was fabulous to feel a little burn in my muscles again.  The class was a lovely combination of burning, shaking muscles and intense focus as well as relaxing and stretching the muscles.

I am pleased to have made time to find space on my mat.



Friday 8 May 2015

Total Body Yoga Workout With Tim Senesi

Today I did this yoga class with Tim Senesi.  It was an enjoyable class and has asanas of varying levels to cater for intermediate to advanced level yogis.

It is quite different to be guided in my practice by a male voice because I'm used to female voices leading my practice.

I'm always glad to have made the time to get onto my mat for a practice.



Wednesday 6 May 2015

Heart Garden

Plant gratitude-seeds
inside your heart-garden
your life will be beautiful
and fruitful
with glowing deeds

~ Sri Chinmoy



Image source:

Tuesday 5 May 2015

More Erin Motz on DoYouYoga

I was thrilled to find this class on the DoYouYoga website because I love Erin Motz's classes.

This was a once-off class and it made me feel so relaxed and energised.

A break in the routine gave me the shake-up I needed to set my goals for the week and cross items off the to-do list.



Monday 4 May 2015

Quick Update

This does what it says on the box:  it's a quick update.

I didn't go to the gym this weekend - it was quite a busy one - so I did a little bit of yoga at home.  I mostly spent the weekend making jewellery, doing household chores and recharging my batteries.

I have been spending quite a bit of time making mala bead necklaces.  This is a hugely meditative process and one I have enjoyed.  I began my process by buying beads that were attractive to me and planned the final product according to available materials.  My first few hours of this endeavour were experimental and filled with optimism.  I saw online that one can tie knots between each bead, which I tried.  That resulted in a very time-consuming process, which I expected and didn't mind,  The result I was achieving was disappointing so I put that first endeavour to one side and started again.  This time I didn't tie knots between each bead, but after each set of 27 beads.  This achieved much more pleasing results and, admittedly, took less time, which was a bonus.

The important part of this whole process is the materials.  I bought quite a few small packets of wooden beads.  These are interesting because they are not uniform in shape, colour, size or texture.  I started to choose beads based on appearance to try and exclude any beads which were not aesthetically pleasing because of a mark or an odd shape.  Despite the fact that the final product is beautiful, and I am incredibly happy with the mala, I realised that I was trying to make it as perfect as possible by disregarding beads with small flaws.  I think this is a metaphor for my life, and probably for life in general.

We prefer to choose beautiful moments to string together to display and to tell our life's story.  We would prefer to disregard the difficult, ugly, challenging parts of our lives;  to hide them away and to pretend that they don't exist.

I gave up on choosing perfect beads and have made a mala with all of the beads that I disregarded while making my first two malas.  The result is one lovely, very unique mala necklace.  I now wear this mala with various combinations of my crystal pendants (that I sourced all the way from Knysna), and I love the way it looks and feels.

My mala beads - super chuffed with this piece.



Image is my own

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 4 - Day 7

This session, the final one of this challenge, was specifically for the aches and pains collected in the body due to commuting to and from work.

This class had some good stretches for the back and hips.  It's important to stretch and relax the muscles that are tensed up due to being in a seated position for long periods of time.

I have finally completed this challenge, after a few lengthy gaps in my practice.  It took me longer than 4 weeks, but it's done.

Thanks again, Erin, you are a fabulous teacher.

I have learned to make peace with the fact that most things don't pan out as planned.  Instead of becoming frustrated, it's important to learn to adapt to the challenges and work through the various obstacles in your path.  This builds resilience and character.



Saturday 2 May 2015

Soulful Saturday

"The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there."
~ Robert M. Pirsig



Image source:
Photo by Julien Balmer of Visual Spectrum

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 4 - Day 6

Today's session was a prenatal class.  Even if you aren't pregnant, there are lovely stretches in this class which will help to open the hips, lessen back pain and relax your muscles.

Find space and mental quietness on your mat.  Breathe deeply and make time for yourself.



Friday 1 May 2015

Friday Gratitude

"Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim.  The better your practice, the brighter the flame."
~ B.K.S Iyengar



Image source:

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 4 - Day 5

Today's session was "yoga for when you're about to freak out".  I can't say it better than this.

I have been feeling very anxious and tense lately, so this was a lovely session to get me back into regular yoga practice.

Remember Erin's words:  "go forward knowing that whatever it is that's ahead of you, you got this".



Wednesday 29 April 2015

Wednesday Wisdom

"Move your joints every day.  You have to find your own tricks.  Bury your mind deep in your heart, and watch the body move by itself."
~ Sri Dharma Mittra



Image source:

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 4 - Day 4

Today's session was a calming one as it focused on meditation.  This was a very welcome practice as I needed the quiet time.

I have incorporated alternate nostril breathing into my practice before, but this session reminded me of how beneficial it truly is.

The practice reminded me to get on my mat more frequently and find some space to be at peace with myself. 



Thursday 16 April 2015

Thursday Pondering

No winter lasts forever;  no spring skips its turn.
~ Hal Borland



Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 4 - Day 3

Today's session focused on using yoga and breathing to alleviate the pain of a headache.

I didn't actually have a headache when I did this, so I can't attest to its effectiveness, but the process of learning to relieve a headache felt really good.

I need to remember to try this when I have a headache.



Monday 13 April 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 4 - Day 2

This session was a flow-based practice with the aim of finding crow pose at the end.  It was quite enjoyable and well worth doing, particularly as I'm so tight in my back, hamstrings and hips.

I have not been able to find crow pose properly and have been working on it for a very long time.  It's a lack of ab strength and tight hips that are mainly to blame.

This is definitely a pose that I need to be patient with and keep being patient with myself.



Saturday 11 April 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 4 - Day 1

Today's session was a pose breakdown.  Pigeon, seated forward fold, and stepping forward from downward dog to warrior one were the poses focused on in this practice.

These are important stretching poses that I always enjoy because I know they work my hips and hamstrings.  Practising the movement of stepping forward from downward dog helps your flow feel more smooth and comfortable;  spending some time focusing on this has improved my practice.



Friday 10 April 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 3 - Day 7

All the practices this week focused on flexibility, and this session brought together the work done during the week.  I definitely felt this practice loosen me up and I feel stretched and lengthened.

This is a great practice to start your day and put you in a reflective, quiet state of mind.



Thursday 9 April 2015

Workout Thurs 9 April 2015

Despite continued low levels of motivation, I dragged myself to the gym.

Programme for today was upper body and went as follows:

Workout time: 2:30 - 4:00 pm

1. Elliptical trainer - 10 mins - 0.90km

2. One-arm dumbbell row - 6 x 12 - 7 kg

3. Seated tricep press - 3 x 12 - 7 kg

4. Alternate hammer curl - 3 x 24 - 2 x 5 kg

5. Tricep dumbbell kickback - 6 x 12 - 3 kg

6. Dumbbell curl - 3 x 12 - 2 x 5 kg

7. Seated bent-over rear delt raise - 3 x 12 - 2 kg (one of my least favourite exercises)

8. Bench press - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

9. Seated cable row - 2 x 12 - 22.5 kg

Completing this session made me feel better than I have in a while, and, in a small way reminded me why I lift.



Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 3 - Day 6

I felt epic during today's practice.  This session was about building flexibility and strength and incorporated some of the work we did yesterday.

I felt better in pyramid and in the forward fold than I have done previously.  I was able to push myself deeper into the posture and was able to cope better with the usually painful stretching sensation in my legs.

Push yourself, yogis.



Wednesday 8 April 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 3 - Day 5

Today's practice involved a pose check on Warrior I, Triangle and Pyramid.  I see that these poses are often done incorrectly both in my own practice, and when I sneak a peek at the mirror to take a look at the other people in the class.

I was able to make sure I really feel each pose in the right places and it gave me time to check that my alignment was correct.

Well worth doing this session.



Tuesday 7 April 2015

Tao Te Ching Wisdom

"If you want to shrink something,
you must first allow it to expand.
If you want to get rid of something,
you must first allow it to flourish."
~ Tao Te Ching

From a Veronica Krestow video called "How Letting Go May Be Keeping You Stuck"



Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 3 - Day 4

Today's practice involved shoulder and upper body work.  Because I have been stiff and tight in my shoulders, neck and back, this was a much-needed practice.

While I was in meditation at the end of the practice, I felt that I could relax and let go of the anxiety that has seemed to take hold over the last few weeks.  The anxiety was probably mainly caused by work and the lack of regular exercise.  I have been worried about how challenging it would be to get back to the gym and to get back to yoga.  I have been worried about losing all the progress I have made in my bodybuilding journey over the last 6 months.

I need to push myself to get back into my routine and find my groove again.



Quick Update

Life has been a bit chaotic over the last few weeks, and thus my level of motivation to go to the gym and do yoga has been at a record low.  Combined with exhaustion, sleep deprivation, visits to the chiropractor and an oncoming flu, last week left me wanting to hibernate for a while.  I have been guzzling tea, hot water with a honey-cinnamon mix, and home-made butternut soup.  

I went to my usual yoga class on Sunday and really felt the effects of a lack of yoga and exercise.  I definitely needed that practice and I'm so pleased that I attended, despite the terrible cold and rainy weather.  I felt refreshed and relaxed afterwards.

This week, the focus is to return to the gym, get back into regular exercise and yoga practice because I hate the way I have been feeling lately.

I have bigger goals which I would like to work on, and need to go about finding help to do this.



Friday 3 April 2015

Unhappy spine

I visited the chiropractor again yesterday and she said: "lovey, your muscles are as hard as my floor boards". For a bodybuilder, this would ordinarily be a compliment, but alas this was not the case here.

She expected my back to be a bit out of sorts because of my recently chaotic work schedule and long hours, but I think the state of my spine and its muscles was worse than anticipated.

The always excellent doctor did some acupuncture and pushed and cracked me back into place to get some movement, as she calls it. But because she is not yet completely happy with the range of movement and the tension in the muscles, I'm booked for another session next week. I am thus not to do anything stupid or extreme with my yogi body this weekend.

My back, neck, shoulders and trapezius muscles are all so sore.

I miss my yoga.

In addition to all the pain, because I'm tired and my immune system is run down, I'm catching a cold. I went to the pharmacy earlier to stock up on flu medication - only going to the doctor if I feel like the situation is antibiotics-level serious.

It definitely feels and looks like autumn outside, which ordinarily I'd love. And it's a long weekend, and it's Easter, and my birthday soon. Many reasons to be thankful and cheerful.

Trying to remind myself of this while I find some crafty projects to keep myself busy and make this a productive weekend.



Wednesday 1 April 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 3 - Day 3

The focus of today's practice is to open the hips.  I always find these sessions challenging, but I definitely needed the practice.  I felt all sorts of hip clicking and lower back clicking as I did this.

I am obviously still tired from the weekend's events, so I'm getting back into yoga slowly.  It's these sessions that I may find more difficult than usual that remind me to be patient with myself.



Tuesday 31 March 2015

Ironman African Championship

It's admittedly been quiet on the blog for the last few days.  I have been working odd hours for the last week as I have been running the Media Centre for the Ironman offices in Nelson Mandela Bay.  The Ironman African Championship took place on Sunday 29 March, and so today life went back to normal and I can catch up on some much-needed sleep.

The pics below are from the weekend.  They are not very artsy or even very good as I took them with my cellphone camera.  Most of them are blurry, but they commemorate where I was and what I did.

I have the photos on another device, so will post them on the blog when I get hold of them.  Just wanted to post this quick update to explain my sudden disappearance.



Wednesday 25 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 3 - Day 2

Hamstring flexibility takes consistent practice and work, and so today was part 2 of the hamstring practice that started yesterday.

You definitely need to warm up a bit before you start this session as it's quite intense but rather fun.  It's so easy to become impatient with yourself and your body's limitations, but listening to your body is definitely important to your practice as well as for body-mind connection.  It's important to know when you can push yourself to feel the stretch, to know when you have reached your limit and when to ease up.

Always be patient with your journey.



Tuesday 24 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 3 - Day 1

Today's session focused on hamstring flexibility and stretching.  Hamstring work, like shoulders and ab work, is difficult for me because I don't have the flexibility I dearly desire.  But because I know the hamstrings need work, I never pass up the opportunity for a stretching and lengthening practice.

This was a relaxing practice and perfect for the end of a long day.  This practice reminded me how important it is to bring awareness to the body and to the breath.  I went into meditation and surrendered my day to the universe.  I trust that my actions today were fuelled by good intentions, I believe that I brought love to my work, and I treated people with kindness and compassion.  That's all I ask from myself and I trust that this is the path on which I am meant to be walking.



Monday 23 March 2015

Workout Mon 23 Mar 2015

I decided to get back into training this week.  Last week was chaotically busy and ended with a visit to the chiropractor who booked me off exercise for Friday and Saturday.

I really felt stiff in my neck and back after this chiropractor visit and really battled with my yoga practice this weekend.

Today was leg day and the programme was as follows:

Workout time:  6:40 - 7:25 pm

1. Elliptical trainer - 10 mins - 0.85 km

2. Leg press - 3 x 12 - 37.5 kg

3. Seated calf raise - 3 x 12 - 37.5 kg

4. Lying leg curl - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

5. Leg extension - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

6. Deadlifts - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

7. Walking lunges - 3 x 12 - 2 x 5 kg weight plates

I will probably be a bit stiff tomorrow.



Saturday 21 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 2 - Day 7

Today's session was about working yesterday's work into today's practice.  I thus made sure to include my newly-acquired jumping skills into the flows.

I definitely got a bit hot and sweaty during my practice, but enjoyed it so deeply.  Today's session was my me-time, the time I took for myself to allow myself to recharge.  I felt peaceful and relaxed and was grateful that I spent time on my mat.  I sometimes feel guilty for taking me-time because there is an endless list of important things to do (laundry, washing up, tidying the house, work that needs doing).  What I need to remind myself is that those things are not going anywhere, that 30 mins of my time won't make the tasks any more urgent, and that more sleep will do me more good than the harm that could come from pushing those tasks back by one evening.



Friday 20 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 2 - Day 6

Jumping back from a Forward Fold and jumping forward from Downward Facing Dog were the focus of today's practice.  Though this session is a bit shorter than the others, don't let that fool you into thinking that this isn't a challenging one.

During my Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) practices, I always step back or step forward.  That's just where I am in my practice, and it's what I have been used to doing because it was safer for my body.

I'm so thrilled though, because I managed to jump back and jump forward.  I totally did it - not just once either.  I practiced it quite a few times to make sure I had the correct form, wasn't hurting myself and could incorporate this progress into the rest of my Sun Salutation flow.  The jumps didn't look like Erin's, but I'm sure that with practice, my jumps will look more fluid and I'll be able to lift my hips a bit higher when jumping back from Downward Facing Dog.

Today progress has been made.  I am so excited to work this new ability into my next yoga class.



Thursday 19 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 2 - Day 5

The focus of today's session was ab work.  This felt pretty intense, but was definitely worth doing.  I made sure to do this session properly and not just speed through the exercises to get them done.  Part of the fun of doing core work is that you really feel the muscles in your abs working.  Sometimes it really can burn.

Core work is about consistency.  Keeping a consistent practice will lead to noticeable increases in strength - and core strength is beneficial for so many yoga sequences as well as for general functional strength.



Thursday Pondering

"Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You've got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it."
~ Ray Bradbury



Wednesday 18 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 2 - Day 4

Today's focus is on posture improvement.  This is wonderful and so important for people who sit at a desk all day.  During the day, your posture might change and you'll find your upper back slumped over your desk.  This is a reminder to me to keep constantly mindful of my posture and my alignment.

This session obviously included a lot of back and shoulder work, and it felt really good to stretch and lengthen my back as well as roll back my shoulders.  It was quite an intense practice, and I was glad for the opportunity to catch my breath in the meditative session at the end.



Tuesday 17 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 2 - Day 3

Today is Day 3, and the focus is on asanas for the lower body.  This practice included a lot of strengthening and balancing poses which always feel so good.  It was an intense practice, and I definitely felt myself getting a bit sweaty.

I do get the wobbles and the shakes, sometimes lose my balance and have to re-enter a pose.  I enjoy the wobbles and the shakes, because it means my muscles are working.  I realise that sometimes my shoulders creep up towards my ears, and then I remind myself to exhale, drop my shoulders, lengthen my back and settle more strongly into the posture.

It's the little adjustments you take while in a posture that make you feel that you are connected to your body, and that you are doing the best variation of the asana for your levels of flexibility and strength.

Feel your strength telling you that you can do this.



Monday 16 March 2015

Monday Inspiration

"Accept - then act.  Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.  Always work with it, not against it."
~ Eckhart Tolle



Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 2 - Day 2

Today is Day 2 of the second week of the challenge and the focus is shoulder strength.  This shoulder toner flow required intense concentration on my part so as to keep my alignment and my posture correct during all movements.

Despite my high level of concentration, I was able to find stillness and clarity during this session.  One of the most important lessons yoga has taught me is to cherish and value that silence as well as to cultivate it despite the sometimes extreme level of noise the world puts into our lives.



Sunday 15 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 2 - Day 1

This is the start of a brand new week in the challenge, and the beginning of a new theme and surroundings.  This week Erin finds herself in a new setting and the focus for the week is building strength.  We start off with ab workouts, which I definitely needed.  This was intense but very pleasing.

I wanted to let my own bit of nature inside my practice area, so I opened the windows and the door to let the fresh air and warm breeze into my practice room.  This felt like bliss.



Friday 13 March 2015

Friday Gratitude

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love"
~ Marcus Aurelius



Thursday 12 March 2015

Workout Thurs 12 Mar 2015

I have had a chaotic week and so haven't been able to make time for proper gym sessions.  I usually put everything aside for my weights programme, but I have had a hefty amount of work to do lately.  Combine this with uncharacteristically low motivation levels, and you've got a Foxy who hasn't been lifting regularly.

I decided to focus on upper body and my programme was as follows:

Workout time:  2:00 - 3:30 pm

1.  Elliptical - 10 mins - 0.95 km

2.  One arm dumbbell row - 6 x 12 - 8 kg

3.  Zottman curls - 3 x 12 - 2 x 4 kg

4.  Tricep dumbbell kickback - 6 x 12 - 4 kg

5.  Alternate hammer curls - 3 x 24 - 2 x 5 kg

6.  Dumbbell shoulder press - 3 x 12 - 2 x 5 kg

7.  Bench press - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

8.  Wide grip lat pulldown - 3 x 12 - 30 kg

9.  Seated cable row - 3 x 8 - 30 kg

10.  Tricep cable pushdown - 3 x 12 - 25 kg

That bench press nearly killed me.  I'm going to feel that in my chest tomorrow.



Thursday Inspiration

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
~ Joseph Campbell


Wednesday 11 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 1 - Day 7

Today's challenge was centred around what Erin calls a "Peaceful Warrior Flow".  The practice is based around variations of Warrior I and Warrior II.

Keeping your balance is important while moving through these flowing movements.  Find stillness in your mind and find a point on which to focus the eyes.

While your outer warrior finds strength and stability in your asanas, let your inner warrior do battle against negative self-talk behaviours that no longer serve you.



Wednesday Mantra

"Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain."
~ Joseph Campbell



Tuesday 10 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 1 - Day 6

Today's session was a relaxation flow.  Things have been a bit chaotic at the moment, and so I very much needed this session.  I have been struggling to keep a regular gym session lately, and so I look for any opportunity to get on my mat.

Through the current busy period of my life, I remind myself to be grateful for the situation I find myself in, to be grateful for the opportunity to use my talents, and to practice kindness and compassion for those with whom I come into contact.

Shine your light into the world.



Monday 9 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 1 - Day 5

Today's session focused on hip opening asanas.  This was an extremely welcome practice because I'm always working on opening my hips.

Some of the poses may be difficult for you, especially if you struggle with hip flexibility or are tight in your legs (I have both these difficulties to work through).  The trick is not to tense up in your back or shoulders.  This will make your practice more difficult, more uncomfortable and you may injure yourself.

Remember to breathe, don't hold onto your breath while you are working deeper into a stretch.  Relax your neck and shoulders and create stillness in your mind.



Saturday 7 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 1 - Day 4

Deconstructing hard poses is the focus for today.  This was exactly what I needed and it will help me improve my form while doing Cobra, Upward Facing Dog and most importantly, Chaturanga.

I still struggle with Chaturanga after more than a year of yoga practice.  This is probably because I lack core and shoulder strength.

There is always something to work on and something to improve in your yoga practice.  This is most humbling to me.




"Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger, and that is very healing.  We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh



Image source:  Facebook (unsure of exact page)

Friday 6 March 2015

Find Your Bliss

"If you open your heart and become like a child, you will always be blissful, always content."
~ Sri Dharma Mittra



Image source:  Earthseed Yoga

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 1 - Day 3

Today was Day 3, and we are letting loose.  The flow is loose and free, and is a great stress-relieving sequence.

For today's practice, the way to fully enjoy it is to bring awareness to your body and to the sensations you experience during the session.

Don't hold onto any one sensation, but feel it, let it pass through you, and exhale to let it go.  Feelings are transient, fleeting and impermanent.  You may feel impatient or upset with yourself because you are unable to get into a pose, or you may even get angry at yourself because you can't relax and find peace in your mind.  Thinking about it only makes the situation worse.  Acknowledge your feeling, let it flow through you and exhale to let it go.



Thursday 5 March 2015

Workout Thurs 5 Mar 2015

I have been focusing on yoga much more than I have on my weight training these past 2 months, which is the reason that posts about my training programme have been irregular.

I did yoga this morning and then decided to head to the gym for a weight training session.  Leg day was on the schedule and this is what I did:

Workout time:  12:45 - 1:45 pm

1.  Elliptical - 10 mins - 1.03 km - average heart rate 135 bpm

2.  Leg press - 3 x 8 - 45 kg (new PB)

3.  Leg extension - 3 x 8 - 10 kg

4.  Lying leg curl - 3 x 8 - 20 kg

5.  Seated calf raise - 3 x 8 - 45 kg (new PB)

6.  Back extension - 3 x 8 - 8 kg

7.  Standing oblique crunches - 6 x 8 - 8 kg

8.  Crunches - 3 x 12 - 8 kg

Feeling pretty chuffed that I hit two new PBs.  Probably going to feel this all tomorrow.




"When you feel bliss, happiness and compassion and you feel the light inside you, you open yourself up to the incredible possibilities and profound experiences that await you."
~ Sharni Quinn in "Follow the Sun"



Image source:  Facebook

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 1 - Day 2

Today I did Day 2 of the challenge.  Today was the second part of yesterday's moving meditation.  Today's weather tells me that summer is cooling down into autumn, and there is a light wind outside, so I left my living room doors closed and watched the leaves rustling in the wind.

I'll see you tomorrow for Day 3.



Wednesday 4 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 1 - Day 1

So let's go!  Day 1 - Moving Meditation.  This was a fantastic way to kick off the new challenge and sets the tone for the week's videos.

Beach yoga always looks like the most fun one can have in a yoga practice.  The beach in my city isn't the most practical for me to go to, unfortunately.  This is for a number of reasons:  distance and safety being chief among them.

So, I'll be enjoying the view of the trees and the blue sky from my living room window.  Today there is a light breeze so I left my living room door open and enjoyed the warmth of nature.



New Project

I have found my new Yoga Challenge Project.  This is another one of Erin Motz's challenges, and I'm so glad to be doing another one with her.

The first week is on the beach, so I'll be doing my home practice in the living room and visualising myself on the beach.

Join me there.



Tuesday 3 March 2015

Open Letter to Erin Motz

Dear Erin,

I have done your 30 Day Challenge (set up by you last year in collaboration with over the last few weeks.  I sincerely enjoyed every single session and repeated a few of the sessions in my free time.

I loved following your classes each day.  It's such a joy to have you greet me from my laptop and gently welcome me into the day's session.

You take into account that my first Downward Facing Dog of the class is most likely my first one of the day and let me stretch there for a little bit longer.  You balanced your selection of lessons with more intense sessions as well as including more restorative practices - for this, I'm grateful.

Erin, your light shines so brightly through your classes.  I'm already planning which group of classes I'm next working into my daily schedule.

See you on my mat.

Much love,



Tuesday Pondering

"Nothing in the world can purify as powerfully as wisdom;  practiced in yoga, you will find this wisdom within yourself."
~ Bhagavad Gita 4.38



Source: YogaInspiration (Yoga Inspiration) Instagram account
Image source:

Monday 2 March 2015

Monday Musing

"In meditation and in our daily lives there are three qualities that we can nurture, cultivate and bring out.  We already possess these, but they can be ripened:  precision, gentleness, and the ability to let go."
~ Pema Chodron



Source: Yoga.Guide (Yoga for Yogi's) Instagram account
Image source:

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 30

Today I did Day 30 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  This was a lovely compilation of sun salutations, hip work and ab work.  I enjoyed this last session and will miss doing these videos almost every day.

I can't believe this challenge is over.  I have enjoyed every single session.

Erin, you are a superb teacher.  Blessings with your future projects, and I'm sure I will be taking your online classes again soon.



Sunday 1 March 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 29

Today I did Day 29 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's practice was a relaxing one, as is evidenced by the title "Yoga for Great Sleep".  This is a sequence of slow movements, and it is enhanced if you focus on breathing slowly and slow your mind so that you only focus on your breath and your movements.

Even if you don't go to sleep afterwards, enjoy the stillness in your body and mind that you have cultivated.

Be good, feel good



Friday 27 February 2015

Friday Musing

"Don't move the way fear makes you move.  Move the way love makes you move.  Move the way joy makes you move."
~ Osho



Quote source: Yoga.Guide (Yoga for Yogi's) Instagram account
Image source:

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 28

Today I did Day 28 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's practice focused on preparation for Dancer's pose (or Natarajasana).

As Erin says, this pose requires flexibility in the hips, hamstrings and quads.  My flexibility is quite poor in all of these regions, but the preparation definitely helps stretch and lengthen the required muscles.  The stretches are fun to do, and feel so good.

Dancer pose is one of my favourites, even though my version of it is not perfect.  If you keep proper alignment, are breathing calmly and deeply, and are feeling the stretch in the right muscles, you're doing the pose correctly.

Yoga teaches us that you don't have to do everything perfectly in order to enjoy it.  Nothing is imperfect - it's your version of perfect.



Thursday 26 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 27

Today I did Day 27 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's practice was especially for the legs and hips.  These stretches are great for those of us who sit at a desk for most of the day.

Some of these stretches are really intense, and it's perfectly acceptable to take an adjustment and work your way into the pose.

Take note of your thoughts today.  Take care to cultivate positive energy in yourself.  The world will respond in kind.

I feel so corny for stealing this from Erin, but, as she says "Be good, feel good".



Wednesday 25 February 2015

Workout Wed 25 Feb 2015

Gym programme is back in full swing.

Today was upper body day and the programme was as follows:

Workout time:  3:00 - 4:10 pm

1.  Elliptical trainer - 10 mins - 1.05 km

2.  One-arm dumbbell row - 6 x 12 - 8 kg

3.  Seated tricep press - 3 x 12 - 8 kg

4.  Dumbbell shoulder press - 3 x 12 - 2 x 4 kg

5.  Bench press - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

6.  Barbell curl - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

7.  Alternate hammer curl - 3 x 24 - 2 x 5 kg

8.  Tricep pushdown - 3 x 12 - 25 kg

9.  Hula hoop - 5 mins

10.  Standing oblique crunches - 2 x 12 - 8 kg

I did quite a bit of stretching afterwards because my shoulders and biceps were aching.

I do feel like a boss though.



Appreciate the Gift of Silence

“Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence. When the mind has settled, we are established in our essential nature, which is unbounded Consciousness. Our essential nature is usually overshadowed by the activity of the mind.” - Patanjali



Image source:  Facebook - can't recall where

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Workout Tues 24 Feb 2015

Had to drag myself to the gym today because I got busy with a few other things and didn't feel like tearing myself away from my work.

Today I hit legs and programme is as follows:

Workout time:  2:55 - 4:05 pm

1.  Elliptical trainer - 10 mins - 1.01 km

2.  Standing calf raise - 3 x 12 - 30 kg

3.  Seated calf raise - 3 x 12 - 37.5 kg

4.  Leg extension - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

5.  Leg press - 3 x 12 - 37.5 kg

6.  Lying leg curl - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

7.  Back extensions - 3 x 12 - 4 kg

8.  Crunches - 2 x 12 - 8 kg

9.  Stiff-legged deadlift - 3 x 12 - 16 kg (2 x 8 kg kettlebells)

10.  Standing oblique crunches - 4 x 12 - 8 kg

I think I'm going to be stiff tomorrow.



30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 26

Today I did Day 26 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's challenge involved stretches for the shoulders, neck and upper back as well as the hips.  This is definitely a go-to session for those of us who sit at computers all day.

It's a great idea to spend 10 minutes in the morning and in the evening stretching like this to keep these important parts of our body healthy and fully mobile.

I feel looseness in my shoulders and neck - it's so relaxing to feel like you have alleviated pain and tension through movement and taking care of yourself.



Monday 23 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 25

Today I did Day 25 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's practice was based around sun salutations.  This was a fun and energy-fuelled session, and is a great way to start the day.

I am conscious of the need to check in with my body during the day and keep myself in tune with how I am feeling and the messages my body sends me.

Make up your mind to be in a good mood today.



Saturday 21 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 24

Today I did Day 24 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's session was gentle yoga to do in the morning to start your day by bringing awareness to your breath and to your body.

I was pretty chuffed that Erin suggested doing this sequence in your pajamas.  That is exactly what I was doing anyway.

Be awake to the possibilities of the day.



Friday 20 February 2015

Friday Inspiration

"There are two basic motivating forces:  fear and love.  When we are afraid, we pull back from life.  When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.  We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections.  If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create.  Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life."
~ John Lennon

Image source:

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 23

Today I did Day 23 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  This session was about working the upper back and the neck.  Everybody can benefit from this, because most of us sit at a desk all day and our posture tends to suffer.

This felt really good as I know that I carry tension in my neck and back.  The eagle arms section is pure magic for stretching around the shoulders.

I am so enjoying these videos and can't believe we are a week away from Day 30 and the end of the challenge.  Keep going, fellow yogis.



Thursday 19 February 2015

Workout Thurs 19 Feb 2015

I haven't done one of these posts in a while because I have really not been in the mood for weight lifting these last two weeks.  I went to the gym last week Friday as well as yesterday but didn't record my workouts.

I am seriously ashamed to say that I have been dreading going back to my "serious" programme because I know that the first few days back after a short break are punishment.

Today I decided to smash an upper body programme and it went as follows:

Workout time 10:20 - 11:15 am

1.  Elliptical trainer - 10 mins - 0.83 km

2.  One-arm dumbbell row - 6 x 12 - 8 kg

3.  Alternate hammer curls - 3 x 24 - 4 kg

4.  Dumbbell shoulder press - 3 x 12 - 2 x 4 kg

5.  Bent-over barbell row - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

6.  Bench press - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

7.  Seated tricep press - 3 x 12 - 7 kg

8.  Low row - 3 x 12 - 22.5 kg

Enjoyed today's session, and I need to get back to a committed weights programme.



30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 22

Today I did Day 22 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's session was a restorative flow.  Lots of slow movement, lots of stretching into the legs and hips.  You will benefit from this if you find that you sit at a desk for most of your day.

This session is perfect to do before bed, as it slows the body and calms the mind and perfectly prepares one for sleep.

Today's post is a bit later than usual because I had a busy day and needed to make time to do yoga and write.



Wednesday 18 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 21

Today I did Day 21 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's work was about preparing for headstands.  If you are unable to do a headstand, fear not - you can still do today's challenge.  I am unable to do headstands but this session made me feel stronger and more tuned into what my body is feeling.

Trust your body on this one.  If you feel that you aren't yet ready to gracefully lift into the posture, keep working on the prep postures.  Prep postures can never be underestimated.

Always be careful to look after your back and neck while working towards headstand.



Tuesday 17 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 20

Today I did Day 20 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  This one was particularly beneficial, for me because I know that my shoulders are not the strongest part of my body.  When doing weight training, I enjoy shoulder exercises the least.

Having said that, I sincerely enjoyed today's practice.

Shoulder strength is definitely something I need to continue to work on.  I feel that this is a more fun way to go about doing so than lifting weights.



Monday 16 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 19

Today I did Day 19 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's challenge is about twisting your way to a healthy body.

Twisting poses are excellent for digestion, spine mobility and flexibility and for the maintenance of good posture.

It's important with any twisting posture not to restrict your breathing.  If you find that you are struggling to breathe calmly and deeply, ease out of the posture a little bit.



Wednesday 11 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 18

Today I did Day 18 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  This session was a full-body sequence.  It helped me feel energised and awake and made me feel like I could fearlessly face my day.

Today I need to keep in mind affirmations and think about those "things" for which I'm deeply grateful.  These things are abstract, like my heath, my family, my loved ones, and my friends.

It's so easy to feel despondent and hopeless while one is in certain situations.  But I hold on to my belief:  you are not your situation, you are not your past, you are not your mistakes.



Tuesday 10 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 17

Today I did Day 17 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's challenge was a full-body slow flow.

It's important to work on slowing your mind as well as slowing your body.  In my experience, a racing mind causes stress and panic.  This does no favours for your mental, emotional or physical health and well-being.

This was a lovely session which helped me to centre myself and bring my focus to mindfulness and gratitude.



Monday 9 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 16

Today I did Day 16 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  This challenge is about preparing the body and the muscles to get into the splits.

I can't do the splits:  as has been mentioned many times, my hips and hamstrings are too tight.  Despite this, I was in the mood to push my body a little bit today, and I did this challenge regardless of the perceived limitations I believed my body to have.

It is quite a tough challenge, and I did have to back out of a few of the poses, particularly the hamstring stretches.  I was feeling pins and needles in certain parts of my body and twinging pain in other parts.  That was enough of a message from my body to tell me to back off.  Never ignore these messages - take care of your body by listening to it.



Saturday 7 February 2015

Workout Fri 6 Feb 2015

I went to the gym on Monday but didn't record my workout.  I didn't enjoy Monday's workout as I was in pain in a few places and I was trying to exercise despite the pain.

I haven't been to gym much this week, but have been doing yoga.  I went to gym yesterday and decided to pick up my programme on leg day.  Programme was as follows.

1.  Cycling - 15 mins - not sure how many km were cycled as I used a spinning bike.

2.  Seated leg press - 3 x 12 - 37.5 kg

3.  Seated calf raise - 3 x 12 - 30 kg

4.  Lying leg curl - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

5.  Stiff-legged deadlift - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

6.  Walking lunges - 3 x 10 - 10 kg (2 x 5 kg weight plates)

7.  Back extension - 3 x 12 - no weight plate

8.  Barbell step-up - 3 x 12 - 10 kg (used a weight bag that looks like a mini punching bag)

9.  Crunches - 3 x 12 - 8 kg kettlebell

Going to have a social weekend and that means I'll be back at yoga class on Sunday afternoon.



Friday 6 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 15

Today I did Day 15 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's challenge is about consistent movement, and so it is a lovely energising session.

When you feel like you want to get out of a posture because of the burning sensation in your legs, find the strength in yourself to push past that discomfort and keep holding that asana.  Breathe a bit deeper and steady the breath.  The automatic reaction is to breathe faster and shallower, but this will aggravate your discomfort and disrupt the peace in the mind.

Honour the solitude that you have cultivated through your practice.



Thursday 5 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 14

Today I did Day 14 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Despite the video being called "Yoga for Runners", these are great stretches and asanas for anybody.  This was a difficult practice for me because I know that my hips and hamstrings are very tight.  There were definitely poses with which I struggled.

Even if you're not feeling particularly strong today, you can still get on your mat and do a gentle yoga practice.  You can always come out of a pose and rest in Child's Pose if your knees are taking strain, for example.

Be kind to yourself today.



Wednesday 4 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 13

Today I did Day 13 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  It was a session focused on the hips and lower back.

Today was a little bit tough for me because I know that my hips are tight.  It's worth doing today's challenge to push yourself and your body.  Never push yourself too hard or engage in negative self-talk.  Your body will surprise you when it's ready.  Yoga always requires the practice of patience and love.



Tuesday 3 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 12

Today I did Day 12 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  The focus of today's challenge is to stretch and release tension in the hands and wrists.  This looks like a simple sequence with absolutely no challenge until you do it yourself.

The most important part of this workout is to be gentle on your wrists and joints.  Don't pull too hard on your fingers, don't put your whole body weight on your wrists, and don't cause your body any sudden jarring movements.  It is also important not to get frustrated if you find that you are a bit tight in your wrists and forearms and your body isn't allowing you to get fully into certain postures.  Get into a posture until you feel a little pull, and hold it there.  That pull means you are stretching and you are working into those muscles - feel proud of yourself for this.

During this practice, keep mindful of how your hands and wrists feel and be thankful for all the tasks that your hands allow you to do every day.



Friday 30 January 2015

Workout Fri 30 Jan 2015

I spent some time on my yoga mat this morning and had to drag myself to the gym.  I felt quite sleepy after this morning's restorative yoga session and so included a more energetic practice into my day before I left my mat.

I did eventually get to the gym, however, and put some legwork into leg day.  Programme as follows:

Workout time - 1:00 - 2:10 pm

1.  Elliptical trainer - 10 mins - 1 km

2.  Leg press - 3 x 12 - 37.5 kg

3.  Leg extension - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

4.  Lying leg curl - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

5.  Seated calf raise - 4 x 12 - 30 kg

6.  Stiff-legged deadlift - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

7.  Standing oblique crunches - 4 x 12 - 8 kg (did this using a kettlebell)

I think there's going to be quite a bit of yoga on the cards for the weekend.  Looking forward to it.



30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 11

Today I did Day 11 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  This is not a strenuous challenge at all - as the title of the video says, it's a restorative workout.

Because this session is very gentle, it's ideal to do this before bed, so that it puts you in the right headspace to relax and fall asleep.

Alternately, you can do this in the morning after waking up to wake up your body and get you ready for the day ahead.



Thursday 29 January 2015

Workout Thurs 29 Jan 2015

After doing Erin Motz's yoga challenge this morning, I headed out and ran a few errands.  After this, I went to the gym to throw a few dumbbells around.

Today was upper body day and my programme was as follows:

Workout time:  1:45 pm - 2:55 pm

1.  Elliptical trainer - 10 mins - 0.97 km

2.  One-arm dumbbell row - 6 x 12 - 6 kg

3.  Tricep dumbbell kickback - 6 x 12 - 4 kg

4.  Shoulder press - 3 x 12 - 2 x 4 kg

5.  Alternate hammer curls 1 x 24 - 2 x 4 kg
5.  Alternate hammer curls 2 x 24 - 2 x 5 kg (there are two of these because I decided to push myself a little bit and increase the weights)

6.  Wide-grip lat pulldown - 3 x 12 - 30 kg

This doesn't look like a tough workout, now that I review the list, but I definitely worked hard and felt so much burn.



30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 10

Today I did Day 10 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  The focus in this challenge is the stretching of the side body.

There is a section of this sequence which requires resting on the knees.  I find that this is quite painful on my knees because my yoga mat rests on a tile floor during my practice.  To ease the pain, fold a towel a few times and place it under your knees to provide a bit of cushioning.  This is not considered cheating and you shouldn't tell yourself that you are weak.  On the contrary - you are listening to your body and taking care of it, which is supremely important.

Explore the way it feels as you stretch the sides of your body.  Breathe in, breathe out and listen to your body.



Wednesday 28 January 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 9

Today I did Day 9 of Erin Motz's yoga Challenge.  This sequence is based on balancing poses so it requires patience if you are not steady on one foot.

If you find you are struggling to balance, breathe deeply and clear your mind.  Focus on a non-moving point in front of you or on the floor - this will help you steady your balance.

If you find that you are unable to turn your head while balancing on one leg, keep your head in a comfortable position in relation to your spine and focus on a still point in front of you.

This was a very enjoyable session.



Tuesday 27 January 2015

Workout Tues 27 Jan 2015

After doing my yoga challenge this afternoon, I headed to the gym.

Today was lower body day and my programme was as follows:

Workout time:  2:50 pm - 4:10 pm

1.  Elliptical trainer - 10 mins - 0.90 km

2.  Leg extension - 3 x 12 - 10 kg

3.  Leg press - 4 x 12 - 37.5 kg

4.  Seated calf raise - 4 x 12 - 30 kg

5.  Lying leg curl - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

6.  Stiff-legged deadlift - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

7.  Standing oblique crunches - 6 x 12 - 8 kg (did this using a kettlebell)

8.  Weighted glute bridge - 3 x 12 - 5 kg (did this using a weight plate while resting my back on the rounded side of a Bosu ball)

9.  Walking lunges - 3 x 12 - 10 kg (2 x 5 kg weight plates)

The weighted glute bridge was quite uncomfortable because of the placement of the weight plate, and this should probably be done with a barbell.  Since this was my first attempt at this exercise, I didn't want too heavy a weight as I wanted to keep correct form.  I shall be trying this with a 10 kg barbell in future.

