Friday 27 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 28

Today I did Day 28 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  Today's practice focused on preparation for Dancer's pose (or Natarajasana).

As Erin says, this pose requires flexibility in the hips, hamstrings and quads.  My flexibility is quite poor in all of these regions, but the preparation definitely helps stretch and lengthen the required muscles.  The stretches are fun to do, and feel so good.

Dancer pose is one of my favourites, even though my version of it is not perfect.  If you keep proper alignment, are breathing calmly and deeply, and are feeling the stretch in the right muscles, you're doing the pose correctly.

Yoga teaches us that you don't have to do everything perfectly in order to enjoy it.  Nothing is imperfect - it's your version of perfect.



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