Friday, 20 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 2 - Day 6

Jumping back from a Forward Fold and jumping forward from Downward Facing Dog were the focus of today's practice.  Though this session is a bit shorter than the others, don't let that fool you into thinking that this isn't a challenging one.

During my Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) practices, I always step back or step forward.  That's just where I am in my practice, and it's what I have been used to doing because it was safer for my body.

I'm so thrilled though, because I managed to jump back and jump forward.  I totally did it - not just once either.  I practiced it quite a few times to make sure I had the correct form, wasn't hurting myself and could incorporate this progress into the rest of my Sun Salutation flow.  The jumps didn't look like Erin's, but I'm sure that with practice, my jumps will look more fluid and I'll be able to lift my hips a bit higher when jumping back from Downward Facing Dog.

Today progress has been made.  I am so excited to work this new ability into my next yoga class.



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