Tuesday 3 March 2015

Open Letter to Erin Motz

Dear Erin,

I have done your 30 Day Challenge (set up by you last year in collaboration with DoYouYoga.com) over the last few weeks.  I sincerely enjoyed every single session and repeated a few of the sessions in my free time.

I loved following your classes each day.  It's such a joy to have you greet me from my laptop and gently welcome me into the day's session.

You take into account that my first Downward Facing Dog of the class is most likely my first one of the day and let me stretch there for a little bit longer.  You balanced your selection of lessons with more intense sessions as well as including more restorative practices - for this, I'm grateful.

Erin, your light shines so brightly through your classes.  I'm already planning which group of classes I'm next working into my daily schedule.

See you on my mat.

Much love,



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