Monday 9 February 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 16

Today I did Day 16 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  This challenge is about preparing the body and the muscles to get into the splits.

I can't do the splits:  as has been mentioned many times, my hips and hamstrings are too tight.  Despite this, I was in the mood to push my body a little bit today, and I did this challenge regardless of the perceived limitations I believed my body to have.

It is quite a tough challenge, and I did have to back out of a few of the poses, particularly the hamstring stretches.  I was feeling pins and needles in certain parts of my body and twinging pain in other parts.  That was enough of a message from my body to tell me to back off.  Never ignore these messages - take care of your body by listening to it.



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