Friday 6 March 2015

Erin Motz Bad Yogi 4-Week Challenge - Week 1 - Day 3

Today was Day 3, and we are letting loose.  The flow is loose and free, and is a great stress-relieving sequence.

For today's practice, the way to fully enjoy it is to bring awareness to your body and to the sensations you experience during the session.

Don't hold onto any one sensation, but feel it, let it pass through you, and exhale to let it go.  Feelings are transient, fleeting and impermanent.  You may feel impatient or upset with yourself because you are unable to get into a pose, or you may even get angry at yourself because you can't relax and find peace in your mind.  Thinking about it only makes the situation worse.  Acknowledge your feeling, let it flow through you and exhale to let it go.



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