Thursday 5 March 2015

Workout Thurs 5 Mar 2015

I have been focusing on yoga much more than I have on my weight training these past 2 months, which is the reason that posts about my training programme have been irregular.

I did yoga this morning and then decided to head to the gym for a weight training session.  Leg day was on the schedule and this is what I did:

Workout time:  12:45 - 1:45 pm

1.  Elliptical - 10 mins - 1.03 km - average heart rate 135 bpm

2.  Leg press - 3 x 8 - 45 kg (new PB)

3.  Leg extension - 3 x 8 - 10 kg

4.  Lying leg curl - 3 x 8 - 20 kg

5.  Seated calf raise - 3 x 8 - 45 kg (new PB)

6.  Back extension - 3 x 8 - 8 kg

7.  Standing oblique crunches - 6 x 8 - 8 kg

8.  Crunches - 3 x 12 - 8 kg

Feeling pretty chuffed that I hit two new PBs.  Probably going to feel this all tomorrow.



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