Thursday 12 March 2015

Workout Thurs 12 Mar 2015

I have had a chaotic week and so haven't been able to make time for proper gym sessions.  I usually put everything aside for my weights programme, but I have had a hefty amount of work to do lately.  Combine this with uncharacteristically low motivation levels, and you've got a Foxy who hasn't been lifting regularly.

I decided to focus on upper body and my programme was as follows:

Workout time:  2:00 - 3:30 pm

1.  Elliptical - 10 mins - 0.95 km

2.  One arm dumbbell row - 6 x 12 - 8 kg

3.  Zottman curls - 3 x 12 - 2 x 4 kg

4.  Tricep dumbbell kickback - 6 x 12 - 4 kg

5.  Alternate hammer curls - 3 x 24 - 2 x 5 kg

6.  Dumbbell shoulder press - 3 x 12 - 2 x 5 kg

7.  Bench press - 3 x 12 - 15 kg

8.  Wide grip lat pulldown - 3 x 12 - 30 kg

9.  Seated cable row - 3 x 8 - 30 kg

10.  Tricep cable pushdown - 3 x 12 - 25 kg

That bench press nearly killed me.  I'm going to feel that in my chest tomorrow.



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