Monday, 12 January 2015

Workout Mon 12 Jan 2015

Today I really didn't feel like going to the gym.  It was incredibly hot, there was no wind, and all I wanted to do was stay inside with ice packs resting on various parts of my body.

However, I promised myself that I would commit to four days of weightlifting per week.
To motivate myself, I made a chocolate protein powder smoothie and changed into my gym gear.  I'm so glad I did make it to the gym, because the air-conditioning inside provided much-needed respite from the oppressive heat outside.

Today was upper body day and my programme was as follows:

1.  Spinning bike - 15 mins (I have no idea how many kilometres I racked up because spinning bikes have no screens and no way of recording distance covered - but I assume it was less than 5km.)

2.  One-arm dumbbell row - 6 x 12 - 6 kg (because this exercise is done one arm at a time, I did 3 sets per arm, thus 6 sets in total)

3.  Alternate hammer curl - 3 x 24 - 5 kg (because the exercise is done while alternating arms, I made sure that each arm performed 12 reps per set, thus 24 reps in total per set)

4.  Tricep dumbbell kickback - 6 x 12 - 4 kg (because this exercise is done one arm at a time, I did 3 sets per arm, thus 6 sets in total)

5.  Shoulder press - 1 x 12 - 2 x 5 kg dumbbells (this was to test myself to see if I could handle increasing the weight - one set was all I could manage)
5.  Shoulder press - 3 x 12 - 2 x 4 kg dumbbells

6.  Seated tricep extension - 3 x 12 - 7 kg

7.  Wide-grip lat pulldown - 3 x 12 - 30 kg

Today's workout went quite well.  I managed to conquer a 30 kg lat pulldown (on my weaker days, I usually lift 22,5 kg on that exercise).  Usually, I do the lat pulldown first, directly after my warm-up, while I still have quite a bit of energy.  Today, I did this particular exercise last and still managed to lift quite heavy.  Small personal victory.



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