Monday 26 January 2015

30 Days of Yoga with Erin Motz - Day 7

Today I did Day 7 of Erin Motz's yoga challenge.  This challenge was about preparing the body for Crow pose (Bakasana).  This is an arm balance which requires considerable core strength as well as flexibility in the hips.

I am still unable to get into Crow pose both because my core is not strong enough and my hips are quite tight.  Having said that, this is still an excellent challenge to complete if only for the sake of gently pushing the limits your body is experiencing.  Just shifting your weight slightly forward into your arms while keeping your toes on the floor/on a block is already making progress towards full Crow pose.

Using a yoga block to get into Crow is my favourite tip from this video and I am currently integrating that into my practice.



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