On Sundays, I make a concentrated effort to attend the yoga class at my gym. It's my special "me-time" and it's always rewarding.
It's usual that between my 5th Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) and my third Virabhadrasana I (Warrior One) I feel a slight light-headedness, perhaps a passing feeling of dizziness, and a slow, gentle release of the worries I have held onto for the past week. This feeling has manifested itself in various ways during my many yoga practices. Sometimes it appears as a sudden burst of creativity and the need to get an idea down on paper so that I can plan my next creative project. Other times it's the feeling of peace and mental clarity that allows me to appreciate a moment of stillness.
I find yoga gives me the perspective to see with increased focus my current position in my journey. It allows me to feel permission to let go of negative, hurtful emotions. General wellbeing relies so much on being able to do exactly this.
Sunday afternoon yoga is thus so much more than finding my balance in Virabhadrasana III (Warrior Three) or Vrksasana (Tree Pose).
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